writing a book?
Try Editorial Therapy...

11 Years' Experience in
publishing & coaching

Does your Book need
editorial therapy?

Hi, I’m Shells Layton, creator of Editorial Therapy (ÀPY). I provide developmental editing and author coaching services to help create your most impactful writing. With ÀPY, my goal is to help you find the subtlest balance between form and presence.

My editorial and coaching experience comes with personalized support and guidance to help you improve your writing, learn how to receive and integrate feedback, and develop more effective strategies for creating successful books and book proposals.

With ÀPY, you get the gentle push you need to ensure your writing reaches its audience.

Engage your readers with clear, flowing, and magnetic storytelling.

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Crystal Clear & smart solutions
To the most complex Writing challenges

Have you been toiling away at your book project for what seems like forever but can’t seem to get it right? Has the editing and rewriting process been so draining that you’re not sure what to do anymore?

Do you need help making your 5W work shine? 

I’ve been there! That’s why I understand how valuable the right support can be when it comes to bringing your creative work to life.

ÀPY provides tailored “editorial therapy” sessions for authors just like you. My goal is to help you unlock the full potential of your writing project and give you the confidence and skills to set it apart.

My free consultations are perfect for creatives who aren’t sure where to start when it comes to tackling the rewriting, restructuring, and editing process.

I’ll guide you every step of the way to ensure that your work meets current industry standards and reaches the relevant audience.

See your book or content project soar! Contact me to learn more about ÀPY and how I can help you understand your genius.

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Self-Help & Spirituality


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I Provide what You Need for Stress-Free Content architecture

Fixed Budget

Editorial Freelancers Association sets industry standard fees based on word count, writing quality, and per-page speed.

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Product Managment

Book, blog, or thesis. Coaching, writing, or dev editing. Full-stack management to ignite your genius to express itself!

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Firm Deadlines

The editorial calendar shows when your next deliverabe is on its way, no sooner, no later.
On time, every time.

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Established Reputation

Storytelling is the oldest power tool
ÀPY helps you rev it up